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Tag: Poland

Visit Poland!
Visits Count: 5124
1 star out of 5 2 stars out of 5 3 stars out of 5 4 stars out of 5 5 stars out of 5 3.0/5.0 (3191 votes)
Item Duration: 01:00
Visit Poland. See the beautiful market squares in Wroclaw and Poznan. Learn about the language, the food and the low cost of visiting. Also a special feature on visiting Poland to visit the Dentist cheaply. Produced by Independent Travel
Visits Count: 4967
1 star out of 5 2 stars out of 5 3 stars out of 5 4 stars out of 5 5 stars out of 5 3.0/5.0 (3092 votes)
Item Duration: 07:07

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